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What else?

Time has seen our Wendish/Sorbian culture from the strength of its past through the days where many of the Wends/Sorbs branched out from Lusatia into the unknown world taking those Wendish emigrants to places such as Australia, Canada, Southern Africa and the United States of America. In most cases, those emigrants lost touch with their heritage, especially as generations have passed. A new revival of cultural awareness has swept through most of the major (original) areas where they emigrated to. This website serves to tie together all Wends across the globe and spur the revival where there has been none. Let us be your resource.

Wendish/Sorbian Related Stamps

Little known of outside Lusatia, Germany there have been a good number of stamp sets designed for use in commemoration of Wendish/Sorbian traditions, leaders and even aspirations. Enjoy looking at the stamp page

Please enjoy our multimedia section and if you have time, visit our guestbook and message board to let us know what you think:

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How can you help?

Take action, research your family and culture, join one (or all) of the cultural groups/societies that promote the survival of the Wendish/Sorbian heritage. Visit a museum dedicated to the preservation of Wendish culture, support the local museums through donations or helping on days they request aid. Mainly, just stay involved!

As for how you might help this website, we need you to send in your own reports of festivals, gatherings, places of Wendish interest or just good curiosities. Please consider taking and sending in pictures and video if possible with your emailings. Simple comments on events are great to hear, let us know if you want to remain annonymous or you will get credited for your contributions!

Need to know where to start? Contact us!